UNDER GROUND DUST BIN  UTC Industries system is the best solution for tight spaces. In old towns where the emptying vehicles have no opportunities to drive in, are our hydraulic systems the only opportunity to provide cleanness.
The existing infrastructure is gently lowered from the surface into the underground. Conventional collection containers are placed on a hydraulically driven auto hoist and can emptied with a conventional emptying vehicle.

SMART DUST BIN UTC Industries is a solar-powered trash compactor which can hold up to 5 times more waste compared to non-compacting bins, reducing collection frequency by up to 80%. It is compatible with standard 120L and 240L wheelie bins for easy and safe trash removal, and it also communicates information it collects in real time through wireless transmission to software, our cloud-based monitoring and data analytics platform.


Ultra sonic fill level sensor

Our sensor is a wireless ultrasonic fill level sensor that securely monitors a container’s fill level and sends real time data to Networks , our cloud based monitorin g and data analytics platform. T his sensor can be easily attached to any type of container or tank to monitor any type of waste, including solids and liquids. Together with the cloud platform ,


Ultra sonic fill level sensor

Our sensor is a wireless ultrasonic fill level sensor that securely monitors a container’s fill level and sends real time data to Networks , our cloud based monitorin g and data analytics platform. T his sensor can be easily attached to any type of container or tank to monitor any type of waste, including solids and liquids. Together with the cloud platform ,

Networks software is our waste management platform and the glue that binds all our solutions together. software provides the monitoring environment, smart dashboard, analytics, and control center in one comprehensive and simple package. Web-based and cloud-hosted, software is available anywhere you have a modern browser and an internet connection. It gives you total control and insight into your waste management operations and has proven cost-reduction benefits in all sectors of your operation..